Case: Naomi is the daughter of the entrepreneur and the owner of a
trading house. She, same as all the staffs, respects his father, Norio, as the God
of commercial trading. Norio, from the beginning, has gained a sort of worship
from all the staffs due to his excellent knowledge and management skills as
well as his personality as a leader.
Naomi asked Mr. Inamori* how to gain the respect from the staffs.
Q. Be honest, I’m very much overwhelmed with my position and with what I
am supposed to do. I can’t be a good leader called “God” like my father. What
should I do?
A: Well, you should demonstrate your dignity as a leader. Tell your
staffs, “Please follow me as now I am the leader of this company! ”
Q: But I am very much afraid that no one want to listen me even though I declare
my commitments….
A: Of course, they wouldn’t respect you, unless you change your attitude.
Firstly, you should always remain humble. Never get arrogant simply because you
are the leader. All you have to do is to work harder than anyone else in your
company. You should take troublesome assignments that no one else wants to do.
Work from early in the morning till late at night. Then gradually people would
notice that the new leader looks quite immature compared to the former one, but
at least she works hard. That would be the moment when you declare to your
people, “Look, please follow me! I know I am still young and immature as a
leader but I am keeping my efforts to be a good leader. So please listen to me
as a top management…”. Not everyone but some of your staffs would listen to you
and start respecting you.