Above are the summary of Mr. Inamori’s interpretation.
I would like to add some mental/ psychological analysis based on the Universal Rules. Universal rule is simple, what you release was/ is / will be/ come back to you. What you are feeling is/ was/ will be/ exactly the same feeling that you cause/ caused/ will cause/ to others.
Under Red-purge, officers might have felt following:
Scared/ Anxious/ Worried/ to be taken, to lose everything they have
Sad/ Disappointed/
-as people never admit their efforts,
-as people do not trust officers, people regard officers as enemy
-as people never value officers’ work and efforts
People on the other hand, might have felt as follows:
Scared/ Anxious/ Worried/ to be eliminated, to be abandoned
Sad/ Disappointed/
-as officers never understood their feelings,
-as officers do not trust people, no matter how hard they work, officers consider people as enemy
-as officers/ government never value peoples’ work and efforts
Interestingly, politicians might have thought in the same way that officers/ people had thought.
They are releasing their thoughts but seldom to reveal their honest feeling/ emotion. People as human being have the dignity and naturally tend to seek the reasons to be. Those instincts sometimes prevent you from demonstrating your own feeling and lead you to create mental blocks:
“ Government has always do bad to people”
“ People hate us and want eliminate us! ”
“People and officers are liars. They never trust me, always trying to take advantage of me.”
In our actual world, thoughts driven by emotions have been going around and creating the fact they imagined. This automatically led to the negative spiral.
So now the question is what should we do? How we stop such negative spiral?
Start minimizing mental blocks of the party who first find out the negative spiral.
We, Japanese people, educate ourselves, to be the better person, and treat other two parties in a way how we would like to be treated. Admit the accomplishments what your counterparts have achieved, show your respect towards them, openly discuss the concerns, and realize the universal rules; what is bothering you is exactly what you released to the others.
This would be the effective way to change our world to better environment.