この集客先生とササダンゴの違いは、笑いのモチベーションです。お金を儲けるために、ちょっと笑わせてやろうと思うのか、人をわらかすことが好きだから笑わせるのか?うまく表現できませんが、稲盛氏がここでおっしゃっている開拓者の精神、人として何が正しいのかに基づいた開拓者精神とは、あるいは笹団子タイプの生き方を言っているのかもしれません。プロレスで経営理念を持ち出すアイデアなどは、その道の専門家に聞いてみたら「ダメ出し」の意見だったはずです。でも自分が好きだからやってみたわけです。集客先生は、たくさんの専門家の意見も学んでいらっしゃると思います。そして現代の女性が望んでいるのは、「優位性」と「慰め」だと言っているわけです。ではなぜそれをあげなければいけないかというと、お金が儲かるから、という理屈なのです。間違ってはいないのですが、その根本の人間性としてどうよ? というところが引っかかるわけです。
Be pioneer- A pro-wrestler with power-point –
Mr.Inamori* encourages in Kyocera philosophy to be the pioneer in the industry. I would like to tell you why we should be that, to show an example of pioneer and to demonstrate why we can call him so .
Q: Why do we have to be the pioneer in our industry?
A: This is the motto of Kyocera. From the growing stage, Kyocera had to take
orders that other predecessors had refused. Those were, needless to say, tough
assignments to be completed. However, for them to survive, Kyocera had always
to work hard and strive themselves until they got the hints for solutions.
There were no instructors, nor reference articles. All they could reply on were
their experience and determination to complete the assignment. Mr. Inamori
referred such attitudes as that of pioneer.
Q: Who do you think the pioneer in Japan?
A: recently, a pro- wrestler has demonstrated performance which we can find to
be professional. His name is “super sasadango machine”. He succeeded his family
business, the manufacturer of metal molds. As the leader of his company, he has
been learning business strategies by taking MBA classes. On the other hand he
loves pro-wrestling and has trained as pro-wrestler. One day , he demonstrated
his tactics as the pre- match performance by means of MBA strategy presentation
style. This was really appreciated and most of audiences liked sasadango ‘s
performance. https://youtu.be/8GssxTyKewQ
Q: Why do you think he is the pioneer?
A: 1) challenged to demonstrate the performances which professionals in the
industry may have refused to deliver. 2) combined two things,wrestling and
Business strategy, that he likes beyond a sort of common sense , and 3)
promoted the local community and activated its economy via his presentation.
The presentation was funny enough and many audiences would like to visit the
city where he lives, by spreading the info via SNS. So taking all above into
account, I believe Sasadango has been the same pioneer as Mr. Inamori
encourages us to be.