



Tapestry to be created in our life

Mr. Inamori spent three times of workshop to release the message: what is the ultimate objective of our lives? What is the big picture of our lives, and how to achieve such ultimate goals? In this article, I would like to digest his speech and share the essence of how to achieve the ultimate fulfillment of our lives.

Q: What is the big picture of our lives?

A: Mr. Inamori mentioned this can be described a large tapestry which was woven with fortune or destiny as the wrap and Karma principle as the woof. Fortune or destiny is a sort of given however, Karma or retribution/ reward system can be changed depending on the people’s actions and desires. Therefore, no matter how sever destiny you have, as long as you do good things with good mind, you can change your destiny in a direction you wish.

Q: Then what did Mr. Inamori speak about the ultimate goal of our lives?

A: He mentioned it is polishing our souls that we brought from our former lives. The wealth, positions, pride and fame would not be accompanied with you after the death. However, only the soul or sprit can be passed to your next lives. After entering into Buddhism as a monk, Mr. Inamori learned the philosophy and bibles. He realized that even though the person like him, who eventually succeeded as a business leader and entrepreneur, he must face with the proposition: what we can bring to the heaven. If you believe this idea, all you can do in this life is polishing your soul and improving the quality of your soul.

Q: How are those items associated each other, the life big picture and ultimate goal of our lives?

A: For us to polish our souls, all what we can do is face with “Karma or retribution/ reward system”, which was identified as the intentionally changeable part in a life big picture. We should simply do the right things with right mind. Otherwise we can’t change or even influence our destiny. You may end up floating like a leaf drawn in a river. It’s really important for us to realize this big picture and how those wrap and woof dynamically create our lives.

Q: Tell me how we conduct good things, ordinally person can make mistakes and it’s not easy to conduct always good things. Are there any guidelines or benchmarks under the Buddhism?

A: Yes there are. In Buddhism, there is the code of conduct for our ordinally people to polish our soul and get into our next lives with better conditions.

Q: What is the cord of conducts?

A: In Buddhism, Rokuharamitsu, “the six commandments” for us to maintain. Those senses are, 1) Giving and Donating, 2) Compiling with laws and regulations, 3) Committing ourselves to our works, 4) Perseverance, 5) Meditation, and 6) Achieving the inlightment or “Wisdom”. Among those six commandments, Mr. Inamori spent much time in that seminar to explain the number three, Committing ourselves to our works.

Q: Why is working so important?

A: Mr. Inamori said only through such commitment, we can polish our souls and sprites. This is simply because the lessons learned. Even though we have to survive hard time, those experiences would benefit for us to capture better return in our lives. Overcoming difficulties and obstacles is the necessary fertilizer for the flower in our lives.
