





Above are the dialogue between Mr. Inamori and the new business leader. I would like to develop the discussion further in the following direction.  

Q: I am still not sure if I can handle that…
A: This is due to your psychological mental blocks. From my analysis, your mental blocks are “people never admit me”, “all of my opinions must be denied”, and “my presence is meaningless”. Those phycological blocks have been settled under your unconscious level. Those unconscious minds have affected all of your actions. You have been under the pressure of self-underestimation. You have been suffering from “self-denial “mind. On the other hand, your instinct requires the affirmation of your presence. Thus, what you do is trying to make a balance in an environment where you can achieve the minimum goal you set out. Specifically, for instance, sorry to say frankly, you have lost your clients and staffs. This is probably due to your unconscious mind wishes to avoid any critics who compare you with your father in terms of leadership skills. You have never wished to be judged so the reality provided you with a world where few people judge you. Your instinct still allows you to maintain the minimum number of client and staff base by which you can at least live in.

関係副詞のwhereというのは、このように使います。私は外資系の企業で働いたときに、同僚がよくこのwhere を使っていました。そこで言い方や書いている文章等をよく読んでこの書き方を覚えたのです。なるほど便利でよく使える表現です。こんな場合はどうするの?こうなったら困るじゃない、日常会話でもよく使えます。その時にこの関係副詞があると説明が楽なのです。

Q. Why are you telling this to me?
A. This is to have you aware how your unconscious mind set works. As Mr. Inamori said, our desire should come from our unconscious level. This is due to the fact that unconscious mind governs 95% of our actions. Now it is the first step that you are aware of your mental blocks embedded into your unconscious mind. You will tend to think about your mental blocks when you take some influential actions. By doing this, your actions would be gradually modified and this would lead to make changes in reality, your daily life. Hope this works and please keep in your mind you have always someone to help you. No need to fight alone.   

