














Half sacred, half profane


In my last letter, I mentioned that university students were reluctant to listen to my message, ”Do what you believe right as a human being.” Many of them complained that I was trying to impose a religious mind to them. In addition to this, one of my business partners referred the recent scandal of Kyocera and JAL, then told me that we are expecting too much to our counterparts, aren’t we? No matter how diligently we persuade them to pursue the right way, we are captured more or less with our desires. The propaganda looks nice but hard to implement and we shall look at the reality then have to learn a sort of compromise, shouldn’t we?


I have been thinking of this theme; pursuing right path as a human being can not be realistic and it may imply somehow hypocritic senses. At the same time, I have still been thinking of the actual benefit or significance of real estate business as well as real estate appraisal services that I have been involved in over past three decades. I started blaming myself for not thinking of the fundamental benefits of my service to the clients as well as to our society. I started feeling guilty and uncomfortable because I eventually ended up pursuing only financial values.


The dialogue I had with our Aikido master, Yamaguchi sensei during this weekend greatly supported me to figure out how to analyze this phenomenon and how to deal with such dilemma.


He said “Half sacred, half profane, this is what our great nature and universe have been teaching us, the human beings. No matter how sacred and clean we are trying to be, we release something dirty in our daily lives. Thus being sacred and staying away from vulgar world looks somehow unbalanced and biased in many senses. Therefore, look, even though you pursue the fame in your life and get the success that you eager to have, no one can blame you for this. This is also quite important; achieving something in your profane world.”


This gave me some insights to interpreted what are happening in our lives. Beautiful results or fortunes sometimes come from bad or undesired events and conducting good things, against our will, may unintentionally bring negative outcomes.


This gave me a lot of hints to analyze issues we encounter in our lives. At the same time, I feel that I’ve got some answer to the question; do not work hard to be a better person, as this is nothing but an illusion. We could never achieve to such highest and all the efforts and our diligence would end up somehow superficial vanity.


All those bad events such as the fraud in Kyocera and the scandal occurred in JAL happened to demonstrate us some part of profanity. But I interpreted them as the indications of lessons “Do not blame those who did bad things as they are the reflection of yourself, they eventually became sinners instead of you. So stop pointing your fingers to someone and start developing a system where no one can get into the trap; making mistakes.”


We have to admit that human beings have desires in both positive and negative senses. Desire drives you to make efforts to lift you up to the higher stages however, desire also tempts you to do bad things and keep you to indulge in pleasures with little conscience. Not ignoring this fact and being aware of this two sides of coin would allow us to learn how to forgive others, how to improve the states-quo, and how to find values in the dark sides of our lives.

I would like to spend more time on this theme; Half sacred, Half profane





スカイプ講座、必ず話せるビジネス会話・富塚塾 10月期、講座案内はこちら






日本文化を英語で伝えビジネスに生かす、合気道ビジネス融合ネットワーク アイビスフェイスブック


