


あー海外出張、気が重い、そんなあなたの苦手意識を解消します。 英語のブロッククリーナー、ユキーナ・サントスです。











Looking at our Abrils business, our core business is real estate valuation. I spend past 30 years for this. Say 20 years ago, when I was qualified as an appraiser in Japan, I started thinking of what the big picture of real estate market is. Real estate market, of course, can’t be analyzed independently. That should be analyzed under the context of Japanese economy. Since Japanese economy has always been closely linked with other countries like US, I started learning the global economy.

For instance, when it comes to the Cap rate analysis, most appraisers state just as-is, never mention the dynamic views under a certain time frame / multi geographies analysis. However, if we carefully look at the US and European economy, as well as Asian, we can have at least some views under the global context. Now the US economy shows some signs of declining stages, this seems to start being influenced into Japanese market. Thus, the cap rate would be move in the following way…. we can make this kind of analysis. This is actual a professional attitude I think.

During my international experience, I realized that what ultimately drives a country’s economy is its people. Furthermore, what influence people is their philosophy, mindset and their core value developed under their culture. As I don’t want to get stuck in an ivory tower, I have actually visited many different areas to conduct active, dynamic and coherent analysis in my professional area.

Therefore, I have spent a lot of resources in learning different philosophies, not only our own country but other cultures. As a result, when I was working for German banks, my analyses were well received. This is not only for my communication skills but my analytical skills. I interpreted phenomimes occurred in Japan under multi dimensions then also understand what kind of concerns German investors would have, and finally delivered the clear answers to their queries to make them feel comfortable. I really enjoyed all those assignments and I am confident that my deliveries satisfied non-Japanese investors.

Thanks to my language capabilities, my delivery has been highly appreciated by non-Japanese investors. Simply because my analysis is not superficial, rather dynamic, logical and convincing enough to make non Japanese investors feel comfortable.

Personally, I like writing, issued several books in the past. For me, it is always exciting and challenging to think how I should compose my idea, how I can improve the structure for the potential audience to easily follow my thoughts and logics.?

In the past I haven’t concentrated on this area, simply because I was afraid. What if my idea would not be appreciated, are you ready to accept all the criticism towards you? I asked myself many times. I had been overwhelmed before initiating writing something to be released. However, I’m now willing to release my idea and professional outputs to others. Because I’m aiming at bringing the relevant information to those who are turned up to my contents. I want to help people those who, at least, interictally enlighten and are interested in such deep analysis. Thus, I can say, I’m excited and ready to release my ideas.

Mr. Inamori ‘s steppingstone example reminded me again of my strength that is globally competitive enough.





スカイプ講座、必ず話せるビジネス会話・富塚塾 10月期、講座案内はこちら






日本文化を英語で伝えビジネスに生かす、合気道ビジネス融合ネットワーク アイビスフェイスブック

