

理系のための英語 技術と利他の心

発明品をみせれば簡単、でも言葉で説明できない、そんな悩み解決します。 英語のファシリテーター、ユキーナ・サントスです。











How and where you should deliver that technology? – Technology and philosophy –

Most of manufacturing companies have been spending a lot of resources
in R&D. However, how many of their inventions have been actually used
and made money? Japan has been famous for its technology but we have
to think about technology and its economy: how that idea has been
implemented and been successful as a business.

I feel the key to connect the technology with the feasible business is
philosophy. In other words, the purpose or intention of that
technology has actually driven the results under it’s business base.

Mr. Inamori* referred his actual experience and stressed that the
ultimate mission and objective of the business is quite important for
the company to grow and be prosperous over middle to long term. At the
initial stage of Kyocera, several employees came to Mr. Inamori and
protested him to show the managements’ written commitments in terms of
salary increase and bonus payment. Those employees requested a sort of
security from the corporate president and threatened Mr. Inamori,
unless Mr. Inamori accepts their request, those employees would
immediately leave the company.

Until that event, Mr. Inamori thought that Kyocera is a vehicle
through which Inamori’s technology can be released to the market. Mr.
Inamori spontaneously assumed that he was granted to take advantage of
the company to promote his idea/ innovative technologies. However,
this employees’ proteste allowed Mr.Inamori to reconsider the mission
or “reason to be” of the company, Kyocera.  Mr. Inamori eventually
realized that Kyocera exists here in this world to realize the
happiness of employees not to satisfy his ambitions  as an inventor.

This is a really important message and the attitude that inventors
have to be aware of.

Another example that I would like to refer is the story of Mr. Akio
Morita, the founder of SONY.

When he invented the prototype of tape-recorder, he showed off that
most advanced technology in many schools. However, even though people
were astonished with the technology, few schools actually purchased
that machine. When he demonstrated the recorder to shorthand writer
and typist, all the inventories were immediately sold out. This
example teaches us how we analyze the demand. Technology should be
delivered to the people who really need it in a proper manner and at the
right timing.

Taking into account above two examples, I would like to share with you the idea:
“technology and philosophy”

In order for a technology to be actually utilized, we have to think
about it’s motivation and the desires for a problem solving.

Showing off the advanced technology is one thing and putting it on the
business base is another. No matter how innovative the technology is,
that is almost nothing, unless this technology could solve any one problem in our
actual world.

For an inventor to realize this important fact, he needs to open his
mind, to start think about the ultimate purpose of invention, and to
ask himself, is this ultimately for me or for others?

We can also put the lesson in that way, forget about chasing your fame
as an inventor, and just try to have a clear image of the user who
gets relieved with your technology. I feel this is the fundamental but
principle attitude that inventors should have.







スカイプ講座、必ず話せるビジネス会話・富塚塾 10月期、講座案内はこちら






日本文化を英語で伝えビジネスに生かす、合気道ビジネス融合ネットワーク アイビスフェイスブック

