








What is the difference between “you first mind” and “altruism”

I am not sure if there is an English word which best fits the meaning of altruism in a sense that Mr. Inamori* uses. When we Japanese explain this altruism to non-Japanese, we usually refer the expression “ You first”. Under the oxford dictionally, altruism means “Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.” I feel that this sounds somehow different from the word “Rita”, which is found under the Buddhism principle, meaning sacrificing yourself to others.

そしてキモは見返りをもとめないこと これを実際の例を使って話していきます。こんな英語にしてみました。

Mr. Inamori said the basic concept of Rita is asking no reward towards your efforts. He uses his own experience in Kyocera’s early dates. At the foundation of Kyocera, his former colleague Aoyama, together with Mr. Inamori had to raise the fund. Mr. Aoyama introduced Mr. Inamori to his friend, Mr. Nishieda, and solicited the initial capital. Mr. Nishieda liked Mr. Inamori due to his sincerity and philosophy-oriented attitudes. He decided to financially support Mr. Inamori. Mr. Nishieda arranged the finance of 10 million JPY from the local bank by Mr. Nishieda’s home as a collateral. Mr. Inamori took that amount as the initial working capital.

Several years later, Kyocera finally achieved the IPO and Mr. Inamori came back to Mr. Nishieda to let him know this breakthrough. Mr. Inamori wanted to give back corporate shares to Mr. Nishieda however, Mr. Nishieda declined that offer. Mr. Nishieda mentioned that he had never asked to bring the investment return. The money was meant to be pure financial support. Furthermore, having indifferent shareholder would not be good for the corporate governance view point. Upon hearing Mr. Nishieda’s view, Mr. Inamori felt that there was no intention of asking any rewards. This is the altruism that Buddhism philosophy has been teaching us.

上場する、IPOですが、Initial Public Offer といいます。 担保に借金、arrange finance としました、担保はcollateralになります。


Rita should appear like that, Mr. Inamori said. The original motivation was purely “he liked me, and he wanted to help me”, fortunately, Mr. Inamori continued. Therefore the motivation is really important to commence some business.

This episode of Kyocera starting time, I feel that there were full of altruism feelings exchanged among people surounding Mr. Inamori.  Some people say that Mr. Inamori was simply lucky and others think there must be some rewards or tricks. However, I strongly feel that Mr. Inamori had some unique personality for which many people are willing to help him. He said this is such a mind of both gratitude and reflection that allowed him to experience those extremely lucky things. As a management I feel that we must learn Mr. Inamori’s attitude. Thus, we can help the client like self-sacrificing spirits.





スカイプ講座、必ず話せるビジネス会話・富塚塾 10月期、講座案内はこちら






日本文化を英語で伝えビジネスに生かす、合気道ビジネス融合ネットワーク アイビスフェイスブック


